La Trappe Nellis 0,0 | storytelling website cr-program | Content strategy

In honor of the 140th anniversary of the Koningshoeven, La Trappe launched the world's first 0.0 percent Trappist beer.

While many people are familiar with the La Trappe beer brand, few are familiar with the rich history behind the beer. To introduce consumers to this history, we developed a campaign. By adding a QR code on the beers, consumers can enter a mobile website with an interactive timeline where they can read how 140 years of history eventually build up to the first 0.0 percent Trappist beer.


Strategie & concept: Mathijs Voordenberg, Pim de Vries
Projectmanagement: Mathijs Voordenberg
Video: Jasper Ter Mors, Pim de Vries, Mathijs Voordenberg
Editing & animaties: Pim de Vries
Art-director: Sip Hibma
Developer: Joost van de Schee
Colorist: Bart Voorsluis


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